Our company conducts selection of applicants for low, middle and top management positions as well as professional technical staff in various areas. Selected applicants meet qualification, experience, expertise and personal requirements.
Method used for the job position placement:
1) Description and specification of the job position and personal profile of the applicant
2) Acquaintance with the customer’s company ethics, his needs in order to prepare the most suitable analysis of job position and personal profile
3) Search for suitable applicants involves:
- Personal service database search
- Direct approach of a targeted group of applicants
- Web search
- Targeted advertising – graphical proposal, content and selection of appropriate media provides Personal Service. The advertisement is subject to the customer’s approval
4) The selection of suitable applicant comprises of:
- Full scale interview of selected applicants
- Psychological tests if required by the customer
- Quantitative and qualitative assessment of obtained data
5) We guarantee the quality of selection based on the job position description for 6 month from the signing of the job contract with the applicant. If there is a termination of the job contract within this period, we guarantee to introduce a suitable applicant in the shortest possible time free of charge.