Slide background

ktorí chcú viac

Pre tých

Sme viac ako personálna agentúra a našim zámerom je,
aby ste s nami dosiahli viac aj vy

For those, who want more

Our mission is to provide high quality products and services in the key area of your company’s life – personnel administration.

Job Offers

For those who are interested in registration of their occupational data in our company database we offer the possibility of registration, which is free of charge and there are no further responsibilities for the job applicant.


For Companies

Our company conducts selection of applicants for low, middle and top management positions as well as professional technical staff in various areas. Selected applicants meet qualification, experience, expertise and personal requirements.



Learning in a way of personal experiences through a training program is considered nowadays by experts as the most effective.This is the essential idea of our education and training.

Company Personal service, s.r.o. is a Slovak human resources and educational agency with activities spread all over Slovakia. It was founded in Trnava in 2014. It offers complex human resources services.

  • Permanent placement
  • Outsourcing
  • Recruitment support
  • Casual employment service
  • Psychological diagnostics
  • Work environment analysis
  • Training educational programmes
  • Software user training